Visuel en-tête
Type de visuel

Nom du projet
Real experiences for real exposure

Étudier dans l'Est-du-Québec

Étudier dans l'Est-du-Québec, represents nine post-secondary institutions in stunning surroundings for a picture-perfect learning experience.

Type de bloc

Titre gauche
Hidden gems

Texte gauche

Looking for paradise on Earth? Try Eastern Quebec. With breathtaking landscapes and real opportunities, it’s a well-kept Canadian secret with a bit of everything. Nine post-secondary institutions in the area decided to let the cat out of the bag in order to recruit new students from the rest of Quebec and from France and help them integrate. 

Our job was to persuade young francophones to discover everything eastern Quebec has to offer and/or stay for a while. We started with a central theme to get us on the right track. Our strategy was evocative and straight to the point: Étudier dans l'Est-du-Québec  (“Study in eastern Quebec”). We were primed and ready to catch the eye of curious students the world over. 

Image en-tête

Feel things

Authenticity is a surefire way to trigger psychological projection. (Translation: being real makes people feel things.) So that’s where our creatives went.

And they came back with three ads. 

Built around the tagline Explorer. Apprendre. Devenir. ("Explore. Learn. Become.”), the vignettes followed three students with dreams, ambitions and experiences all their own; powerful narratives steeped in history and community on the banks of the world's largest maritime estuary.

Produced in 15, 60 and 90-second versions, our bite-sized documentaries explore a viable alternative to the stress and anonymity of major European and Quebec institutions. 

Sweeping precision

With such a young audience, our media creativity team knew the campaign would need a strong digital presence. We supported our awareness-boosting ads with a robust content strategy on Instagram, Facebook and with BRUT (a French millennial-oriented digital outlet) for ultra-precise targeting.

And all roads led to a single intuitive, branded one-stop digital platform.

Image en-tête
Sweeping precision

Real results

Information request KPI
+426 %
Traffic KPI
+3200 %
CPM reduction KPI
-66 %

la Pensée rebelle

"Daily teamwork on both sides of the Atlantic, excellent client collaboration from start to finish, an inspiring seduction assignment – this project had all the ingredients of a cross-disciplinary Camden experience."

John Dutton, VP Creation

Let's talk
