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Mercedes-Benz Laval and Camden

Nom du projet
Driving results with social and mass media

Mercedes-Benz Laval

One of the largest Mercedes‑Benz dealerships in Canada for over 30 years.

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Titre gauche

Texte gauche

Markets evolve, formats shift, and advertisers and channels flourish. In 2017, Mercedes-Benz Laval knew they would need to rethink their advertising strategy if they wanted to stay ahead in the Canadian market. It was up to Camden, as the dealership’s agency of record since 2011, to run a fine-toothed comb through their marketing strategy and make it happen.

Our analysis found that MBL would need a balanced mix of radio, content creation and print in the years ahead. The dealership’s continued presence in print and digital dailies was a key driver of our strategy’s success, as it built brand awareness and served as a reliable platform for promotional messaging.

  • Mercedes-Benz Laval knew they would need to rethink their advertising strategy
  • Mercedes-Benz Laval knew they would need to rethink their advertising strategy

Tuning in

In 2017, Quebec TV celebrity Gregory Charles was the voice of MBL. The following year, radio ads drew comparisons between car models and lifetime milestones. In 2019, the A-Class and its “Hey Mercedes” voice control system was introduced.

  • Radio Ad 2017
  • Radio Ad 2018
  • Radio Ad 2019
  • Radio Ad 2020
Image en-tête
Camden brought Mercedes-Benz Laval’s Facebook page to a new level

Family means sharing

Camden brought Mercedes-Benz Laval’s Facebook page to a new level with the “Welcome to the family” slogan and imagery in 2017. Since then, we have created engaging posts, timely reminders and holiday-themed videos to keep the dealership’s clientele in the loop and part of the family. 

Deep roots

Thirty great years. That’s what Mercedes-Benz Laval wanted to celebrate on its 30th anniversary. For Camden, those 30 great years provided the perfect springboard to promote the MBL brand to new customers while building loyalty with their base.

An impactful 30-second manifesto-style radio ad emerged from this concept, giving existing and potential clients a sneak peek into MBL’s family-style approach to business and their deep roots in the community.

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