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October 2023

Pink for October

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, also known as “PINKtober”. As a communication agency, how could we not talk about PINKtober as soon as the month kicks in? Many advertisers rally behind this cause, people engage in charity races, public figures promote awareness... It’s more than a month of fundraising. It’s a month of solidarity! 

But beyond pink, it’s also an opportunity to celebrate resilience—the remarkable ability to bounce back and adapt in the face of life's challenges, particularly for those battling illness. However, it's not just the patients who exemplify this strength. We also want to acknowledge the resilience of the medical community, the unwavering support of caregivers, and the determination of those organizing fundraisers. They are inspiring individuals who truly stand out through their tenacity.

Happy reading.



Empowering Women's Health and Redefining Beauty Standards

The rise of Third Culture Kids (TCKs)This one transcends the subjectivity of aesthetics: “Healthy breasts are perfect breasts.”

In a world where beauty standards seem to dominate, this campaign takes a bold stand, prioritizing the well-being of every woman's breasts. Women are bombarded with unrealistic aesthetic demands that can harm their self-esteem. The Ligue has chosen to break free from this cycle by placing health at the forefront of the conversation.

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Why Talk About Resilience?

The French Red Cross published a thorough report on resilience. Why dedicate a report to such an abstract idea? Because life doesn't neatly divide people into those who give care and those who receive it. Navigating challenges isn't just a personal journey; it's a shared experience. 

This report explores the idea of resilience, showing how it's a universal thread that connects us, emphasizing the need for collective action and knowledge sharing.

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A Glimpse of Hope

A new treatment tested for early-stage breast cancer has shown promising results in reducing the risk of recurrence by 25%, according to the findings of a large clinical trial published on Friday. These preliminary results were unveiled at the annual conference of cancer specialists, hosted by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago.

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CPSF - Luck Won’t Always Be On Your Side

On average, a person with a disability has to travel 50 kilometers just to be able to participate in sports under suitable conditions. The main issue? Only 1.4% of sports clubs are equipped to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Yet, disability affects the lives of one in five French citizens. It can disrupt daily life, families, work, education, and even create significant disparities in leisure activities like sports. It's time to ignite a collective awareness. CPSF, supported by the Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, in collaboration with FFSH and Handisport, is joining forces to co-create a nationwide public interest campaign. The goal? To enroll 3,000 sports clubs in the Inclusive Club program, while also raising awareness among the French population and local authorities about the lack of accessible infrastructure.



90 %

There’s a 90% chance of recovery for early detected breast cancer!



My Boob Story: An Optimistic Journal of My Breast Cancer Journey.

My Boob Story is a podcast where the host shares her personal journey of battling breast cancer. The aim is to break the taboos and stereotypes surrounding cancer and its patients. Have a listen, it’s all executed with grace and a sense of humour! (Available in French only.)



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